If the kick is not inserted correctly you can short circuit the K1000, if this happens the spring can become burnt and out of shape. To ensure this does not happen please see the below images:


The following article is a summary and based on research found at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23467656 It is undeniable that electronic cigarettes very often make the object of controversial discussions, regardless of the place where they take place: specialized forums, conferences related to health aspects, TV shows, or a simple family discussion around the table, at dinner time. …


Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more widely used and accepted around the UK. There are now said to be over 2.1 million adults here alone who who regularly vape. Let’s take a closer look at vaping versus cigarettes and find out why vaping is now so popular. www.ash.org.uk/files/documents/ASH_891.pdf How Healthy is Vaping? It probably …


There are many different types of electronic cigarette mods on the market today. When it comes down to choosing between an electronic mod and a mechanical mod though, which is better? Let’s take a closer look at how each of these work to help you make up your mind. Electronic Mods Electronic mods are great …


The debate about smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco has raged for years. It has not deterred many youngsters from starting to smoke nor been decisive in getting others to stop. Government Policy of taxation is not the solution. Governments are aware of the potential damage to their nations’ health and the pressure that …


Future Shisha has been busy forging new partnerships and as a result have teamed up with PardonMyBlog to sponsor there latest event in conjunction with Red Cup District. Set in Shoreditch, East London the party was a roaring success. The happiness was in part thanks to Shisha Pens provided courtesy of Future Shisha. Check out a …


The increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes has been a real game-changer in terms of helping people to give up smoking. But there are a few things to think about with electronic cigarettes that are different to smoking conventional cigarettes. One of the most popular brands of electronic cigarettes is the Ego Stick. In this article …


Future Shisha Is Proud To Be Supporting Pardon My Blog Future Shisha are proud to announce that they are supporting Pardon My Blog in there highly successful music event quests. The next of which are running on Thursday 18th in London’s famous Shoreditch. Get involved and get your chance to collect some free electronic shisha courtesy of …


If you are wondering about E-Liquids then you will probably be aware that they are a fairly fundamental part of electronic cigarettes. In this article we take a look at the key components of E-Liquid and discuss the function that each component performs. The background to E-Liquid One of the most popular ways to give …

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